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Hey there, i'm jules

I’ve always loved a good breakfast. To me, there are few simple pleasures in life more enjoyable than waking up to a mug of freshly steeped coffee on a snowy winter morning, bowl of hearty oatmeal in hand. Granola and berries on a bright summer day. Croissant and a latte, paired with a book on a Sunday morning. The list goes on.

I’ve also always loved traveling. A stroll in the local farmers market. A snack from a street vendor. Learning about all the hotspots that make up the food DNA of a city. What better way to learn about a place and it’s culture, than through exploring and understanding the food of it’s people?

This blog represents the intersection of all of those interests coming together in one shared passion project. Sometimes it’s breakfast-related. Sometimes it’s a breakdown of some new food trend I’ve discovered. Sometimes, it’s just recommendations for darn good food. I hope you enjoy!