Yellow Watermelon

What is yellow watermelon?

Yellow watermelon is actually thought to be the ancestral variety of watermelon. Originating in Africa, these melons have creamy yellow flesh instead of red, and their rinds are green with white or yellow splotches. They tend to be smaller than red watermelons, around 8-12 pounds.

These heirloom watermelons were more common in the U.S. in the late 1800s but slowly faded away as red melons became the preference for farmers to grow and consumers to eat. But lately, they’ve been making a comeback at farmers markets and specialty grocers due to their nostalgia factor and novelty.

Yellow Watermelon


Overall, yellow watermelon has a delicate, lightly sweet, citrusy flavor with herbal notes and a crunchy texture. While less lush than red, its simplicity provides versatility in recipes. The taste is subtle but refreshing.

The flesh of yellow watermelons is dense, crunchy, and not as intensely sweet or flavorful as red. It has delicate citrusy tones and a subtle floral sweetness. Think of it as a milder, cleaner flavor:

  • Mild flavor – The yellow flesh has a much more subtle and delicate flavor than red watermelon. It lacks the intense sweetness and rich fruity taste.

  • Citrusy tones – There are mild citrusy notes to the flavor, sometimes described as lemon-lime. It is more tart than red watermelon.

  • Savory edge – The flavor has been called “vegetal” or “botanical”, with lightly grassy, herbaceous notes rather than juicy fruitiness.

  • Soft sweetness – While not intensely sugary, yellow watermelon still has a subtle honey-like sweetness when ripe. The sweetness is simpler and muted.

  • Crunchy texture – The flesh tends to be dense and crunchy rather than soft. This makes the flavor less juicy.

  • Finish – The aftertaste is cleaner and disappears more quickly than the long, lingering sweetness of red watermelon.

  • Versatility – The milder taste makes it more versatile for savory applications like gazpacho or pairing with spices.

This makes it ideal for culinary uses like cold soups, salsas, slaws, and pairing with herbs, cheeses and cured meats.

The firm texture also makes yellow watermelon great for pickling. Try using it in place of cucumbers! And since the rind is edible, it can be pickled as well.

Here are some tasty options for foods that pair well with yellow watermelon:

  • Prosciutto – The salty cured ham complements the mild melon flavor nicely. Arrange slices of prosciutto around balls of yellow watermelon.

  • Burrata cheese – The creamy texture and buttery flavor enhances the melon. Drizzle balsamic glaze over the top.

  • Arugula salad – Toss arugula with yellow watermelon cubes, feta cheese, and lemon vinaigrette for a refreshing salad.

  • Gazpacho – Chilled yellow watermelon gazpacho soup is a perfect light summer appetizer or side. 

  • Chicken salad – Dice yellow watermelon and mix into a chicken salad with arugula and Greek yogurt dressing.

  • Ricotta toast – Top crostini or bread with ricotta cheese, mint, and sliced yellow watermelon for an easy bruschetta.

  • Grilled shrimp – Brush grilled shrimp with chimichurri sauce and serve alongside watermelon cubes.

  • Tzatziki – Mix diced yellow watermelon into the yogurt-cucumber tzatziki dip for a twist.

  • Feta – Pair crumbled feta cheese with watermelon slices for a classic Greek meze platter.

  • Mint – Fresh mint adds complementary flavor and aroma to yellow watermelon preparations.


Like their red cousins, yellow watermelons are over 90% water and provide nutrients like Vitamins A, C, and B6. Some claim specific health benefits for yellow watermelons over red, though more research is needed. But they certainly make a nutrient-dense, hydrating summer snack either way!


Yellow watermelons can be harder to come by, but they’re gaining ground at farmers markets and specialty stores. Major producers include California, Arizona and Texas in the U.S. along with China and Greece abroad. Keep an eye out for yellow melon varieties like ‘Desert King’, ‘Golden Midget’, ‘Tendergold’ or ‘Yellow Doll’.

Give the ancestral yellow watermelon a taste this summer and rediscover the unique flavor profile of this overlooked heirloom melon. The subtle sweetness and floral notes are perfect for spicing up summer salads, gazpachos and more!

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